My First Poem Anthology E-book
In this poetry collection, the author has expressed her thoughts, her feelings, and her imagination beautifully. She felt like dancing in her own world when every word was created into beautiful poems, smoothly and feminine.
Enjoy every single one of her poems in 81 pages E-book with 40% pictures are from the author's own photographs, and feel like she did when she was dancing in her own world!
Ten (10) percents of the revenue will be donated to Cancer Research Program.
Copyright Year @ 2008
Language: English & Indonesian
Price: USA $ 5.00
Interested to download?? Visit this link or click this button below:

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Hai Fida abbott sahabatku!
Terberkatilah mereka yang dikaruniai talenta menulis indah...!
Menjadi pemazmur abad ini? Hmm, pingin juga!
Wow, indah sekali kedengarannya. PEMAZMUR!!!!
Nggak kepikir sampai kesana loh...Terima kasih ya atas support-nya. Komentar kejutan nih dari Mas Anang!!!
Iya semoga jadi Pemazmur beneran utk kemuliaan Tuhan!!!
I really enjoy reading your English poems. It is a pitty I don't understand Indonesian, but I'm sure they are beautiful as same as your English poems.
Great work!
jadi pingin miliki bukunya neh....
Mas Agus, semoga bener-bener memilikinya ya...dan menyukainya.
Salam dari PA
Selamat Natal dan Tahun Baru Fida, semoga seluruh cita-citamu sukses.
Selamat Natal dan Tahun Baru juga Nancy. Terima kasih atas dukungannya.
Baru kali ini mengunjungi blog ini.. Sukses terus ya Fida (^_^) GBU!
Hello G, thanks ya sudah berkunjung ke sini, juga support-nya.
Salam hangat dari PA
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